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   The formal program continues...

The videonurse82b.jpg (23195 bytes) Nurses of the Korean War , was a wonderful blend of live interviews and still images woven together in a well produced documentary. Mary Chatigny should consider a career in broadcast journalism. Her documentary work is very good. 

When her video ended shenurse83.jpg (33126 bytes) was introduced and received a grand and appreciative applause from the audience.

Gunnery Sergeant Gigg, USMC (Ret) then asked all the nurses and corpsman to rise and facenurse84.jpg (29341 bytes) the audience. At this point Commander Omorinurse85.jpg (40980 bytes) handed each onenurse86.jpg (35984 bytes) a red carnation while the audiencenurse87.jpg (30674 bytes) gave them a standing ovation. 

Attached to each carnation was a little white card with the inscription:

 "From the active Navy , May we always live up to your selfless example of Honor, Courage, and Commitment."

Afterwards all were seated once again.....

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The nurses and corpsman, profiled in the book "Quiet Heroes", who were in attendance were the following:

                                            Marilyn Ewing Affleck            Lura Jane Emery

                                                 Carola Braun Gradilone         Eveline Kittilson McClean

                                                 Lois Merritt                             Jean Ellis Young

                                                 Agnes Sarna Renner             Elizabeth Paul Shane

                                                 James Robert Standing (Corpsmen)

It should be noted that there were other Navy Nurses & Corpsmen who took part in the Korean War but could not attend the luncheon. To view an expanded listing click here.

The publisher of "Quiet Heroes" Sybil Smithnurse89.jpg (46298 bytes) of Smith House Press (St. Paul, MN) spoke next. She said that it was very meaningful &  inspirational for her to oversee the publication of "Quiet Heroes."  

Sybilnurse90.jpg (55898 bytes) concluded that this was a book long over due. She then presented Commander Frances Omori with a congratulatory award and a big hug!  The award, well...was a mother rabbit nurse93.jpg (31385 bytes)reading a copy of "Quiet Heroes" to its baby. WOW !

Likewise, Gunnery Sergeant Gigg, USMC (Ret) presentednurse95.jpg (34810 bytes) Commander Omori with a unique plaque which held a Marine Corps KA-BAR knife. The inscription on the plaque read:

"Commander Frances Omori, USN. In appreciation with "Quiet Heroes" you have given us the opportunity to show our respect to the Navy nurses of the Korean War.  Thank You. Proud Members of the "Chosin Few" Coastal Carolina Chapter, GySgt G.O. Gigg, USMC (Ret), Chapter President."

It should be pointed out that the "Chosin Few" are a select group of Marines who fought in the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir which was the most devastating battle of the Korean War. Sometimes this battle is sometimes called  the Frozen Chosin as the Marines were fighting in 30 degree below zero weather. Most of the fighting Marines were about 17-20 years old.

And just like the real Marine that he is, "Gunny" side-stepped a hug and went straight for a "kiss." Way to go Sergeant!!!

Commander Omorinurse97.jpg (45859 bytes) was all smiles with the bunny in one hand and the Marine Corps KA-BAR in the other.

Newsflash... Washington DC: July 8, 2000 1800hrs..... Digi-vents has just been informed that the mother rabbit has been named "Ka-Bar" and its baby named "Mahi."   We now return you to the web site already in progress...

The nursesnurse98.jpg (37905 bytes) thought this was a "Hoot !"

The formal program concluded with final words from Gunnery Sergeant Gigg, USMC (Ret) who expressed thanks from all to the Navy nurses & corpsmen who could attend this event and to all the Navy Nurses and Corpsmen who served courageously in the Korean War. Abraham Lincoln as quoted in the book "Quiet Heroes" best summed it up this way...

"If all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world were applied to the women of   America, it would not do the full justice for their conduct of war.....  God Bless the women of America."

                            Navy nurses and corpsmen of the Korean War...

                                                 We salute you !


                    After the formal program ended, it was time to socialize. Please click here to continue....

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